Lake Zirahuen

Site of the Gran Reto de Zirahuén 3.2k (2mi) race.

Patzcuaro, Michoacan, Mexico View on map
Water Temperature: 61.3 ℉
Wave height: 0 feet
Wind Speed: 1.9 mph
Wave Period:

No Data Available

Air Temperature: 63 ℉
Wave Direction:

No Data Available

Wind Direction: South South West
Cloud Cover: Sunny/Clear

Swim Forecast

Days High Air Temperature Wind Speed Wind Direction Wave Direction Water High Temperature
Fri 26 July temp 70 ℉ 7 mph temp North North West temp No Data Available 74℉
Sat 27 July temp 67 ℉ 7 mph temp South South West temp No Data Available 72℉
Sun 28 July temp 70 ℉ 7 mph temp South temp No Data Available 74℉
Mon 29 July temp 69 ℉ 4 mph temp South West temp No Data Available 70℉
Tue 30 July temp 69 ℉ 7 mph temp South temp No Data Available 71℉