Washington Avenue Beach

Starting point for a swim around to Madeline Island in Lake Superior, as part of the Point to LaPointe Swim... Read More

Bayfield, Wisconsin, USA View on map
Water Temperature: 60.1 ℉
Wave height: 1.9 feet
Wind Speed: 4.7 mph
Wave Period: 3.5 sec
Air Temperature: 53 ℉
Wave Direction: East North East
Wind Direction: East South East
Cloud Cover: Sunny/Clear

Swim Forecast

Days High Air Temperature Wind Speed Wind Direction Wave Direction Water High Temperature
Fri 06 September temp 59 ℉ 18 mph temp East South East temp East North East 60℉
Sat 07 September temp 60 ℉ 9 mph temp East South East temp East North East 61℉
Sun 08 September temp 69 ℉ 20 mph temp South temp East North East 61℉
Mon 09 September temp 68 ℉ 20 mph temp West South West temp West South West 62℉
Tue 10 September temp 70 ℉ 9 mph temp East North East temp North East 62℉