Ohio Street Beach, Chicago
Chicago, IL, Lake Michigan, USA
In addition to being Chicago Park District’s designated long distance open water swimming beach, Ohio Street Beach in Chicago is home base for organized open water swims like Swim Across America in July and Big Shoulders 2.5k and 5k race in September. See Open Water Swimming Conditions and Forecasts including water temperature for Ohio Street Beach here

Lockers make changing and storage of gear easy at the open water swimming area at Ohio Street Beach in Chicago.

Ohio Street Beach is well sheltered from Lake Michigan waves

The lake shore path alongside the designated open water swimming area at Ohio Street Beach in Chicago. The path and extensive bike lock racks near the beach make this one of the many bike to swim accessible sites in Chicago.

Swim Across America open water swim event is held annually at Ohio Street Beach in Chicago raising funds for cancer research

Distance marker showing a quarter mile (0.4k swim) from Ohio Street Beach

View of Ohio Street Beach from first turn buoy of Big Shoulders Chicago